Sunday, February 17, 2008

Public School Worship

Students Legal Rights On Public School Campuses

I have found in growing up going to public school, and as it is today worshipping God, has no place in public school curriculum. Neither is any religion a part of any studies.I find this to be sad and disturbing, not to be able to discuss,study,learn or even pray as it pertains to God and religion. Of course the laws of the land have their reasons,which I find ridiculous and an insult to God, our father. Every thing you can think of is said,discusse, and taught in the classroom to educate,challenge and infuse young minds - except God and His word!How sad is it to have to pay a lot of money to send your child to a certain type of school, just so the child can do the simpliest of things like pray to God, in a classroom setting. Let alone have a continual education in Christ outside of church. I feel it is an insult to God to have worship and study of Him rejected from public school classrooms. With out God nothing ceases to exsist.He has created every human,creature and object- and in public school this has no merit or value?? As parents you have a right to know what is exceptable,as well as the rules of any public school- they may vary except when it pertains to God. There is light at the end of the tunnel for your children, they may worship and study God in public school! Here is a list of rights no one can make obselete for children in public schools in regards to worship:

1. The right to meet with other religious students and to form Bible Clubs
2. The right to express your religious beliefs through signs,symbols,and clothing
3. The right to talk about your religious beliefs and share your faith with other students on campus
4. The right to distribute religious literature,(Bibles), on campus during non instructional time
5. The right to pray on campus alone,with others,and during graduation
6. The right to carry or study your Bible or other religious literature on campus
7. The right to do research papers,speeches,creative projects or talent programs on religious themes
8. The right to be exempt from activities that contradict your religious beliefs
9. The right to celebrate or study religious holidays on campus
10.The right to study religious themes,religious literature,and religious history

* It has been made into laws and frowned upon for public schools to have anything to do with teaching the word of God.The rights listed above enables children to incorporate serving God on public campus, a daily activity.It was so frowned upon when I was a kid going to public school, I had no idea I had these rights,neither did my parents. Parents take note of those rights and be sure to educate yourself and kids on them,so that worship and study of our Lord does not fall to the wayside on public school campuses

1 comment:

Kimba The White Lioness said...

Living and bringing up my children in rural Michigan DOES have some distinct blessings whereas public schools are concerned. Regardless of the separation of church and state laws, our district not only employs MANY Christian educators but does not forbid prayer in school and/or on school grounds. In fact, it's not uncommon to even see our principals out at the flagpoles supporting the students, as well as their own personal religious beliefs and freedoms on the National Day of Prayer. We also still recite the Pledge of Allegiance daily including the words "under God" as was originally written - without complaint from folks in the community. Small town life is very much like one would imagine it was many years ago; in this case, I think it's a good thing!