Saturday, February 2, 2008

Daily Prayer

Read the following prayer and if it expresses the desire of your heart repeat it to God.

Dear God,
I know that I have sinned and my sin separated me from You. I do believe Jesus died on the cross for me and rose from the dead so my sin can be forgiven. God please forgive me. I ask Jesus to come into my heart and be my Lord and Savior. I will obey you and live for you the rest of my life. Thank you for the gift of eternal life. Thank you for loving me.

In Jesus Name I Pray, Amen

1 comment:

Kimba The White Lioness said...

I am so thankful that eternal life is a GIFT from God, made possible through Christ's precious blood; and that there is nothing more we need to do to be receive reconciliation with the Father except believe!