Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Twelve This Thanksgiving

As Thanksgiving is nearing I have become reflective on what the term means and what this special day stands for. I was reading my bible, flipping through scriptures and truly started to understand.... GOD is the reason we are to be thankful and much thanks and praise realy goes to Him! I have gathered some scriptures that really put God, His kingdom, His son,His will & ways - into light. Insight we are never to forget, be joyous in, look forward too & be full of gratitude for. Read,reflect and enjoy... HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

1. 1 Corinthians 1:4
2. Psalm 97:12
3. Luke 17:18
4. 2 Samuel 22:50
5. 2 Corinthians 9:11,15
6. 2 Chronicles 6:12-14
7. 1 Corinthians 10:31
8. 1 Timothy 1:17
9. Nehemiah 9:5-6
10. Jonah 2:9
11. Mark 8:6
12. Haggai 1:4-6,9

** O God, help me to live the life of gratitude that you invite me to live. Amen.


Jeff said...

Wow, I really like the font color and font type you use on that black background! Too many blog sites are hard to read, but the words on yours really stand out and make it easy to read! Nice!

I am thankful for my job (probably the best job I've ever had), my car (the first 'sporty' car I've ever had), my house (especially after living in an apartment for many years), my dishwasher (at first, I thought I did not need one, but now I am so thankful I have one), my washer and dryer (so much better than having to go to a laundromat, which I did for years), my yard (again, after living in an apt. for years, it is great, and I even have a corner lot and trees!), my TV, my PS2, my health, etc. etc. I have SO much to thank the Lord for, and all of these are just some of the material blessings He has given me. As a middle class American, I am far more wealthy than most of the people in the world, and I am thankful that God has allowed me to have these things. People throughout most of history have been thankful when they had food, clothing and shelter, for these were not always available; yet, as a (materialistic) middle class American, these are things which are merely expected and taken for granted. May the Lord move me to help those who are less well-off than myself, and to be less selfish and more giving.

Most of all, of course, I am thankful for my salvation. I fully deserve eternal damnation in Hell, yet God chose my name before the beginning of time, and I am one of the Chosen and Elect. Because of the fact that Christ Jesus the Messiah gave His life for me, I now have eternal life in Paradise to look forward to. So, no matter what happens to me in this life, I have a happy ending. Nothing can compare to that. May the Lord grant me a deep burden for souls to be saved, so that I share the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ with others, so that they, too, might escape damnation in Hell, and come to know our Lord Jesus Christ personally, and live with Him forever.

"But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." (1 Corinthians 15:57)

"But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him." (2 Corinthians 2:14)

4ever7 said...

Please update your url. I have deleted my Avatar Temple blog. I have a new blog, and I have added you to my blogroll already.